Monday, September 9, 2013

Revising Activities

Since "revising" means "seeing again", I thought it would be a good name.

I had a conversation with my husband about perception this weekend. Namely, about how perceiving something as "work" can make it seem absolutely dreadful, even if it's something you love doing, whereas telling yourself it's a prize that you earn after doing chores turns it into something that's wonderful.

I read a lot of Amish books. Obviously, the books aren't Amish, but they're about the Amish, and a phrase that pops up a lot is "Work is fun."

I won't go so far to say that work is fun. In fact, work (the 9-5 Corporate kind, the Part-Time Service Industry kind, the Customer Service kind, and pretty much every other kind) has been so tortuous and horrifyingly soul-crushing that I doubt I will ever get past the trauma I've imbued that word with, but I understand the meaning behind the phrase.

An activity is not-fun, or it's fun, and the choice is yours.

So in that vein, I'm revising and re-seeing the "work" that I do. At least, the work I do for my family, the work I will be doing in the future to support my family without Corporate America on my back. I'm looking forward to doing the "work" that I've always wanted to do: learning about something new, sharing it with people via written words, and then learning another new thing. . .

Fiction, infopreneurial. . . it doesn't matter. This is my dream, my fun. Work? Never. This is what I do to get out of doing the un-fun stuff.

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