Monday, August 5, 2013

On Broken Promises and Re-Commitment

We just got back last night from driving the children more than halfway across the country to drop them off at Dad's for their visit. I have learned some very important lessons:
1) We need to fly them from now on.
2) "Bad" food isn't good; but it is addictive.
3) Pizza puts 3 inches around my waist, no matter how "in control" I stay.
4) Sleep is critical to life-changing transformations.

There's really no way to travel and not break promises to myself.  I "let myself off the hook" for the trip, but I was promising myself I'd behave better than I did. I promised myself it was just for the two days of intense travelling. But it's not.

I'm spending today and tomorrow recovering; easing back into my dietary goals, easing back into my exercise goals. But coming back also brings into focus those changes I haven't started making yet, but need to: the financial goals.

I guess it's not fair to say that I haven't started working on these goals. I have. I have been tracking expenses like an anal-yst and am about to analyze July's expenditures. I will evaluate how I feel about these categories of spending. I have been budgeting, also, and planning the purchases I intend to make.

But upon arriving back home, I find I need to look into the acquiring of more money to pay down previous debts and clear up my credit history (and my husband's). While my husband will be working massive overtime, I--who have no overtime--will look at other ways. We are ready to pursue the other parts of our dream: buying land and eventually moving onto it.

It's a scary step, but a good one. This is why we're working, after all. To live. To make our dreams come true.

So, looking forward to the future, as full as it may be of work and planning, I re-commit myself to my goal: to live peacefully and harmoniously, enjoying the process, and working toward my goals.

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